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Classic Land Rovers returned to their traditional departure point at the Memorial early this morning at the start of a three-day road trip to Ypres.

Enthusiasts have not held their annual charity run since 2019, with Covid-19 stopping the event for the following few years, but today they were back at the start of their 13th cross-Channel event.

The run by Land Rover enthusiasts across Kent is co-ordinated by Peter Wales, who presented site manager Jules Gomez with a plaque and tee-shirt to mark the Memorial’s support as the start venue.

Peter and his fellow drivers have raised money for the Trust as the chosen charity in the past, but this year’s event is in aid of the equally worthy Hospice in the Weald. Generous drivers did, though, spend a healthy sum in the café and shop before leaving at the start of their run.



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The Battle of Britain Memorial Trust CIO is a registered charity (1169005) with an address of PO Box 337, West Malling, Kent ME6 9AA.

The Battle of Britain Memorial Ltd (Company number 08638616), registered in England at Henwood House, Henwood, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8DH), 
is the wholly owned trading subsidiary of the Trust.

© 2021 The Battle of Britain Trust CIO

Website by deJetleyMarks photography | Shrewsbury | 07977 538539 |

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